Co-Pay/Televisit Information and Guidelines
Note: By entering Doxy, you are consenting to medical care through televisit.

A Message To Our Patients:
Effective now, patients are once again responsible for co-pays and deductibles for all health visits per their insurance company. If your insurance requires you to pay a copay, you must pay this at the time of service prior to being seen. Patients will also be charged a co-pay for group medical visits, if applicable. All weekly and monthly support groups are still at no charge for patients.
Step One: Pay your co-pay below
Click on this link to pay your co-pay
Step Two: Enter your tele-visit by clicking on the link below
Enter Doxy here - By clicking this link, you are consenting to medical care through televisit.
Patient Guide on How to Use Doxy:
Don't Remember What Your Co-Pay Is?
Check your insurance card or ask when you log in for your televisit and we can look it up for you.
Are You Paying a Bill You Received in the Mail?
Please go to this link instead and put in your statement information: